Senin, 14 April 2014


Human naked eyes cannot observe objects with size smaller than 0.1 mm
Microscope is a tool that is used to observed microscopic objects that cannot be seen with the naked eyes.

A light microscope works by means of centralizing light caught by our eyes to form a magnificated image of an object.
1.The first useful microscope was developed in the Netherlands in the early 1600s.
2. Three different eyeglass makers have been given credit for the invention: Hans Lippershey (who also developed the first real telescope); Hans Janssen; and his son, Zacharias.
The first useful microscope was developed in the Netherlands in the early 1600s.

To know parts and their functions of a microscope
Light microscope

Stereo microscope

Electron Microscope

Electron microscopes, which use beams of electrons instead of light, are designed for very high magnification usage. 
Electrons, which have a much smaller wavelength than visible light, allow a much higher resolution.

Microscope Parts

Parts of Microscope and their function
Eyepiece : to magnificate image you look through
Coarse focus(macrometer): focuses the image under low power
Body tube(tabung): connect the eyepiece to the revolving nose piece
Fine focus(micrometer): sharpens the image under high and low magnification
Revolver(revolver): holds and turns the objectives into viewing position
Low-power objective Lens : contains the lens with lower power magnification
High-power objective Lens : contains the lens with high (the most) magnification
Arm(kaki): support the body tube.
Stage(meja): platform used to support the microscope slide
Stage clips(penjepit di meja): hold the microscope slide in place
Diaphragm(diagram): regulates the amount of light entering the body tube
Mirror(cermin): allows light to go upward through the diaphragm, the specimen, and the lenses
Base(kaki): provides support for the microscope

How to figure out the Magnification?
Eyepiece Objective Lens Magnification
Low Power 10 X 10 X 100 X
High Power 10 X 45 X 450 X

Working with your microscope !
1.Place the microscope on flat surface. The arm should be toward you.
2.Look through the eyepiece. Open the diaphragm.
3.Adjust the mirror until you can see the most light coming through the tube.
4.Place the slide so that the material to be observed is in the middle of the hole on the stage.
5.Turn the nosepiece to the low- or medium-power objective- never start to the high-power.
6.Turn the coarse focus until the objective goes as far as it can without touching the slide.
7.Finally, look through the eyepiece and sharpens the image by turning the fine focus.

~Once you have examined the specimen under low power, try this:
fiddle with the mirror. Sometimes you can change the light and see the specimen in a different way.
~as you look through the eyepiece, try moving the slide to see different parts of the specimen. This takes practice.
~try a high-power objective, but expect the light to be dimmer. You will probably have to change the focus a bit.

Student Activity:
Have you ever thought that life exists in a very small drop of water?

what do you need?
Object glass
Cover glass
Pond Water
Chemical glass 100 ml

Select a water environment (river, gutter, well, etc), in your school area and take samples of water. Observe what is inside the water by taking a drop of water
Observation Result

~Observe and draw the organism seen under the microscope
~How many kinds of organisms can you observe?

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