Senin, 14 April 2014


What is Scientific Method?
Scientific method is a way that used by the researchers to solve the problem
The steps of scientific method are:
  • Finding and formulating problems
  • Formulating hypotheses
  • Testing hypotheses or conducting experiment
  • Drawing conclusion.
6.Problem solving.

3.Testing hypotheses or conducting experiments;
plant green bean and put them in two different places ,one of them your put in bright place and the other you put in the dark place

  • Scientific method is a way that used by the researchers to solve the problem.
  • Scientists use a series of steps called scientific method to solve a
    problems. What are the steps of scientific method
The steps of scientific method are:
  • Finding and formulating problems
  • Formulating hypotheses
  • Testing hypotheses or conducting experiment
  • Drawing conclusion.
Finding and formulating problems
Why plants that live in the bright place more fertile than in the dark place?
Formulating hypotheses
The plant that live in the bright place more fresh than in the dark place .Then observe them every day for 3 days,than make note.
4.Drawing conclusion :
actually the plant put at bright place better than put at dark place because plant that place bright get more sunlight and easy getting photosyntheses.
How to used a scientific method to solve a problem :the impact of detergent on fish.

Activity: you need :2 glasses, 2 fish and water , detergent.
Design an experiment
1.Give label A and B on the glasses. ,Fill each glass with 50 ml of water.
2.Put fish in glass A and B and add 5 drops of detergent to glass B. And observe the fish in each glass for 5 minutes and see whether the fish stay a live or die.
3Not the observation in table
Observation table

-under which condition (fresh water or water + detergent) do fish live
-under which condition (fresh water + detergent ) do fish die.
Analysis and application
Check your hypothesis. Does it support your data. Explain And give reason
2.How do water and detergent bring impact on the live of fish.
  • The steps of scientific method :
  • 1.Finding and formulating problems
  • Formulating hypotheses
  • Testing hypotheses or conducting experiments
  • Drawing conclusion. 

  • To conduct qualitative observation systematically
  • To conduct quantative observation systematically
What is Science?
  • We see various natural phenomena in our daily life. Natural phenomena are things that happen in nature.
a. lightning, rainbow, melting of ice,growth of a baby into an adult, and the fall of ball to the ground are e few exampels of natural phenomena.
b. We want to know why and how all these things happen. We search for answers. The study of science gives us the answers.

Science is the systematic study of nature and how it affects us and our environment.
The information produced from the study of science is known as scientific knowledge.
Qualitative data is :
data that we can observe by using our senses
Quantitative data is :
data that we can observe by using help of tools
What is scientific method?(1)
The method that scientist use to do research.
Scientific steps:
  • asking question
  • collecting data
  • formulating hypothesis
  • design experiment
  • doing experiment
  • using experiment result to answer the question
  • conclution
What is scientific method?(2)
The method that scientist use to do research.
Scientific steps:
  • Identifying the problem
  • Forming a hypothesis
  • Planning the experiment
  • Controlling the variables
  • Collecting data
  • Analysing data
  • Interpreting data
  • Making a conclusion
  • Reporting

  1. Determining the types and the characteristics of the problems to be solved.
  2. Making a general statement that is thought to be true and can be tested based on the evidence collected.
  3. Planinng the method to test the accuracy of the hypothesis made.
  4. Identifying all variables or aspects that can influence the result of the experiment.
  5. Recording data in a systematic way.
  6. Explaining data in an objective and logical manner.
  7. Giving an explanation about the pattern or relationship based on data collected.
  8. Making a generalization rationally. A hypothesis is only accepted as a theory if the results of the scientific study can support the authenticity of the hypothesis.
  9. Presenting information or communicating through graphs, tables and reports that are easily understood.
Scientific Attitudes
  1. Curiosity
  2. Honesty
  3. Open-mindedness
  4. Tolerance
  5. Optimism
  6. Courage 
  • To know what, how, and why something happens.
  • Curious to know more and more and try to find other sources if information.
  • When you observed the characteristics of plant organs, based on the observation result you want to know more about plant organs, and you decide to continue with another research. 
  1. A scientific has to report his observation objectively.
  2. A scientist must have a wide perspective, be open minded, and be free from presumptions.
Quantitative data
Qualitative Data

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