Minggu, 23 Februari 2014


Cell and Organelles

The Kind of Cell

1.     Prokaryotes, Cell does not have a true nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles. Ex: Monera kingdom such as Bacteria, Blue Algae
2.     Eukaryotes, Cell with true nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles. Ex: The kingdoms of Protista, Fungi, Plant, and Animal

The Figure of Cell

a.     Longitudinal slash of union cell
b.     Bacteria
c.      Spermatozoid
d.     Virus
e.     Red Blood cells






The way of vesicles working :
1.     Autophagy
            digest organelles and cell membrane for cell regenerations
2.     Exocytosis
            secretion digestive enzymes
3.     Autolisis
            Destroy all of them self (cell)

Vesicles System


         Pair of cylindrical structure found in CENTROSOME
         Near with nucleus
         Made from microtubule
         A role in cell division (microtubule branching, forming threads spindle)

§  Containing with tubules protein
§  Building of skeleton cells
§  Forming cilia and flagella
§  Forming threads spindle, as long as cells division
§  Regulating the location of organelles in the cell





Cell Membrane

  • cell barrier
  • the place for transport of matter from outside into the cell or vice versa
  • signal reception place

Ø Living organisms are made up of one or more cell.
Ø Cells are the most basic unit of organisms which can function on their own. Cells carry out life processes such as respiration, division, excretion and growth
Ø Cell are the building blocks of an organisms.
Ø Cells work together to keep an organisms.
Ø Cells of living things exist in many sizes and shapes. They can be round, oval, long, short, with tails and so on.

Ø Robert Hooke, a British Scientist, was the first person to study cell.

 Organization of Life
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of an organism.
Tissue is a group of cells that having the same shape and function.
An organ is a group of tissue that together have the function to support a duty.
Organ System
Several organs cooperate to do a certain work function called an organ system.

Many organ systems that are connected to each other and work together to support a certain function will compose an individual of organism.
Animal cell and Plant cell

Cell is the basic unit of living things
         human body is built up from millions of cells

System of Plant
Structure and Function of the Plant Tissue
        The base organ of plant are root, stem and leaf.
        The structures of them are the same basically, they have the main tissue system consisting of the epidermis, cortex and vascular tissue.
Vascular tissue

       The vascular tissue fills the inside part of the plant organ. In the inner part of vascular tissue, you can still find the parenchym called pith. You can find two tissues in the vascular tissue named the xylem and phloem.

        The epidermis is the outer part of the plant   organ. Its function is to protect the inner part of the plant.
        The cortex is a filter of space between the epidermis and vascular tissue. An example of this tissue are Parenchym, Collenchym, and Schlerenchym.
Two Types :
    1. Taproot = deep into soil
    2. Fibrous Roots = several branching main roots
Root structure :
    - Root Cap
    - Root hairs
    - Cambium
    - Xylem
    - Phloem

FIBROUS ROOT                                                TAP ROOT


Roots do not absorb water and minerals through a smooth Epidermis.  Tiny, hair like projections called ROOT HAIRS on the epidermis absorb water and dissolved minerals from the soil.  Root Hairs also INCREASE the Surface Area of the Plant Roots. 


*          All living things  consist of basic units known  as the cells. The cells are microscopic
*         In 1665, an English scientist, Robert Hooke  became the first person to study the cell.
*         Cells have different shapes and sizes.
*         The cell membrane is a semi permeable  layer which surrounds a cell to retain the contents                                                            of the cell.
*         Cytoplasm is jelly-like substance which  functions to dissolve food substances and allows  
                  chemical processes in  the cell to take place.
*      Without a nucleus, a cell would not live as it is the control centre of all the activities of the cell.
*      Animal cells do not have regular shapes as they do not have the cell walls.
*      The vacuoles in animal cells are small and numerous.
*      Chromosomes are found in the nucleus and responsible for the inherited characteristics of an organism.
*      Plant cell can be distinguished from the animal cells with the presence of cell sap, starch grain, chloroplast, and the cell wall.
*      Microorganism consist of living thing which can only be seen under a microscope.
*      Unicellular organism are microorganism which are made up of one cell and can only be seen under the microscope
*      Unicellular organisms perform living activities such as eating and moving.
*      Multicellular organism including humans consist of many cell.
*      The different cells in multicellular organisms are specially adapted to their functions.
*      A specialized cell is a cell that carries out a certain functions.


·        Microorganism are living things which can only be seen under a microscope.
·        Microorganism spread over a wide habitats including in the water, on
o   plant, in the air, sol’ and in our body.
·        Microorganisms include the bacteria,yeasts, amoeba and viruses.
·        ORGANISM consists of living things  (animal or plant)
·         Unicellular organism are microorganism which are made up of only  one cell and can only be seen under the microscope
·         Unicellular organisms are normally found
o   in damp places such as drains, ponds, rivers and other aquatic places.
·         Unicellular organisms consist of;
·        Animals such as amoeba and paramecium
·        Plants such as euqlena, chlamydomonas, pleurococcus and yeast.
·        Multicellular organisms include humans, animals and plants which consist of many cells.
·        The hydra and spirogyra are two examples of simple multicellular organisms.
·        Hydra is a multicellular animal and spirogyra is a multicellular plant.
·        Multicellular organisms have many types of different cells with distinct and specialfunctions
o   These cause the multicellular organisms to have huge sizes.
·        Each type of the cells carry out specific function and role.

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